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According to the whois, I’ve had this domain name since July 2002.  I remember how I came up with it… I had friends who kayaked and they wanted to put their domain name as decals on the side of their boat, or on a flag or bumper sticker or something.  I started thinking that in order to do that it had to be short and easy to remember.  I was driving home from work and talkging to myself in the car, just trying out possible ideas.  I came up with, but of course that’s taken. What might be available?  Maybe, but kind of pointless, though it is just as easy to remember.  I probably kept repeating Sara-sara.. sara-sara.. sarazara.. sara’s era… That’s kind of cool!  And it stuck.

Strangely, all this time, it has basically just been a parked domain that I used for email.  I have a livejournal account that I’ve used reguarly since 1999, but it is largely a non-public diary site for me.  A place to vent and a place to save things I want to remember.

These days, I have web hosting for my small business, and have set up many WordPress blogs for other sites.  I decided it was time to create and use it as my own public space.  Welcome.


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1 reply on “”

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    Sara says:

    Hiya Sara!

    You spell your name just like mine, that is, without an ‘h’.

    I like your domain name, it is very catchy. By what I’ve glanced at your postings I’m very interested in your topics. I’ll be keeping a close eye on your posts I think. CI journeys are always very interesting, please keep it updated but feel free to talk about anything also!

    I’m going to try to read more before my classes start for the day.

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