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The future culture of work

This is a very long presentation about work policies at Netflix but you can skim through it pretty fast.

I’d love it if I could get my company to adopt some of the freedoms seen here.  80% of my job is done on the computer (reports, CAD, reports, planning tests) and I can work on it anywhere.  But I’m not allowed to.  Once I even got yelled at for working from home for an afternoon.  The reasoning? “That isn’t allowed because then everyone would want to do it.”

I tend to get “PMS” about my job, but overall I enjoy the work a lot.  I just know I’d be a lot more efficient if I didn’t feel trapped in a cubicle all day long (not to mention constant interruptions).


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4 replies on “The future culture of work”

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    I think most companies don’t trust their own employees enough to act this way. I believe it ends up being a self-fulfilling prophesy.
    Yes, a cubicle can be crazy-making! The old building was terrible.
    .-= Rachel´s last blog ..The Adventures of Sally =-.

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    Sara says:

    Yep, exactly… but it shouldn’t be hard to know whether people are being productive or not… and if they’re not, why are you paying them? But instead of managers actually knowing what people are accomplishing they just worry about hours and presenteeism. It’s happen everywhere I’ve worked, so not really calling out my present location (I can’t imagine working all day in a cube in the old building!)

    Here’s another video related…

    .-= Sara´s last blog .."View And Choose" Trial Offer =-.

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      Xantha says:

      I’ve been activated almost 2 months and a week ago my employer moved to a new location with really really bad and open acoustics. Do you think that researcher at Mayo Clinic or anywhere else might have answers? So far I have a suggestion of getting permission to place a large piece of batting above to absorb the sounds.

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