Had my second CI surgery today and am now bilateral.
I missed my pre-op appointment due to being snowed in from the storm Friday and Saturday with no plows in sight on my street. I was pretty worried but when I called to tell them they said just come for surgery, they could do everything then if I could get there. And by Tuesday morning my street had been cleared (72 hours later!). This actually worked out nice because I’d have had to stay down there from Monday to now for what clearly was an unessential visit.
Anyway, things went fine, about 3 hours, very minimal pain after and no percocet at all. I made a somewhat conscious effort to look awake and the nurse asked if I wanted to go home and if I wanted my clothes. After that I stayed awake. It seemes like they were much less cautious with me post-op than last time. Probably because last time was my first surgery ever and first experience with anesthesia. This time they had my CI on me as I woke up but the magnet wasn’t aligned until I adjusted it. No writing on paper like last time. They didn’t make me try to keep anything down and I had to ask for ginger-ale after.
We had a room to stay in if we needed it but since it was only 3:30 we decided to drive home. I slept most of the way but felt a lot better than last time just because I could hear Don without lipreading. Trying to lipread definitely made me nauseaus last time.
I did have gas bubbles and the bite of banana bread didn’t feel very good. When we go out of the car and started walking to the drug store I threw up all the water and gingerale and felt much better. Glad I hadn’t done that in the car, it had a lot of force. As Don said, the parking lot of the “sketchy” Food Lion was as good a place as any. 🙂
Then we had to wait for prescriptions. I talked with a man who looked like Santa and is into steel drum music. I need to look up his group, called the pan masters I think…
Now I had some ice cream and am heading to bed. I feel fine, tiny bit sore, bit annoyed by the bandage, it’s warm. Neck is a bit stiff and there’s goo&etc in my hair and I can’t wash it until whoknowswhen. But all minor issues. My biggest complaint is that there’s all this snow and I can’t go skiing.