Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toVideo Hearing Video October 16, 2009 This video made me smile. It’s good to see people in the Deaf community talking about their CI experience. Warning: I just learned 3 or 4 HINT test sentences from it… but now that I have a CI I can hear them anyway. Gallaudet Professors Josh and Sam Swiller received their cochlear implants… Number of comments: 0
Placeholder image - camera icon. Link toMED-EL Video: How A Cochlear Implant Works Hearing MED-EL Video: How A Cochlear Implant Works May 11, 2009 This is one of my favorite videos about cochlear implants – especially the part about the damaged hairs and when a hearing aid won’t help… After the ‘how it works’ part there are three testimonials from people who chose the MED-EL brand. I’m sure every brand has people willing to go on camera and oooh […] Number of comments: 2